Monday, December 6, 2010

It's the Most Stressful Time of the Year!

How to Stay Stress Free During the Holiday Time

It's the most wonderful time of the year, but sometimes, it can be the most stressful time of the year. There are many ways however that you can prevent this stress from occurring. Most people know when their holiday stress is going to occur and when their stress is going to end. The hardest part is figuring out how to stop it from occurring to begin with.

The holidays should be a time to enjoy with family and friends. For some however, there is no time to enjoy it because of the stress that comes along with the holidays. Some of the major ideas that bring stress along with your holidays are finances, relationships, and even physical demand. These ideas can be prevented if you know how to stop them before they occur.

One of the most important things to do is to organize and plan. The best time to plan is right around the same time as planning out your Thanksgiving dinner. Once Thanksgiving is all planned out, start planning out your next holiday. Grab a calendar and take a look at the best days to go shopping. Choosing more than one day is a good idea in case one day falls through. You should also know exactly where you are going shopping and who you are going shopping with. You also should have an idea of how much money you are going to spend on these shopping trips. By doing this it will help you visualize how much money you will have left in your budget to spend on your travels and dinner.

Another important thing to do during the holidays is spend some time with the people you love doing the things you love. By doing this it will help you get your mind off of stress. When your with the people you love, try bringing out old photographs of you and them or an old home video. Another thing that could be enjoyable to do is make a gingerbread house or Holiday cards.

The ways to relieve holiday stress are just to enjoy the holidays before they are over. Once they are over, your stress will go away by itself. You should always remember to start your shopping and planning early, avoid tension with relationships or anything else that has nothing to do with the holidays, and just enjoy your life.

Happy Holidays Everyone! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flu Season is Here!

Flu season generally starts in the month of November and lasts almost until May. For people who work, go to school, or spend a lot of time in public areas, it could be very difficult to always remember to stay protected. Listen to what Adelphi University students have to say about how they protect themselves in their surroundings.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thinking about Thanksgiving?

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    The main focus of the holiday of Thanksgiving is giving thanks. The tradition way to give thanks is by feasting with family and friends. However, the average person consumes over 2,000 calories during Thanksgiving dinner. That is the amount of calories an average person should be consuming in one day, not one sitting.

There are many ways you can make your Thanksgiving a healthy and happy one. If you're considering cooking dinner by yourself this year or even if you're helping the family cook, take a look at the following recipes for a healthier holiday to keep the pounds off:

Sausage Stuffing- By replacing pork with turkey sausage, the fat content is cut from 14 grams to about 4 grams.

Cranberry Applesauce- By making cranberry applesauce versus regular cranberry sauce, the sugar content is being reduced greatly.

Warm Chocolate Souffles- This is a healthy Thanksgiving dessert by using fat free milk and unsweetened cocoa as well. This reduces the calories and fat content. Also, this dessert is low in sodium.

Apple Pie- This apple pie recipe consists of a lot of protein as well as a low-calorie intake per slice.

If you aren't doing the Thanksgiving cooking this year, there are many other steps you can take in order to have a healthy Thanksgiving.

When it comes to eating the turkey, avoid eating the skin. The skin contains a lot of fat and cholesterol that is not good for you. Also, moderation is always the key when it comes to Thanksgiving. There are so many food options to try, however, try them all in small portions. Another good tip is to avoid drinking beverages full of calories. Try sticking with water just for this one night.

I hope you all have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving! Gobble,Gobble!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The College Students' Nutrition Pyramid

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The food pyramid was designed to demonstrate a layout of nutrition and the guidelines of consumption of the six main categories of food. These categories include: grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, meats and proteins, and fats.

Although these guidelines demonstrate how we should be eating everyday, however, most people, especially college students have difficulty following these guidelines.

As a college student, the pyramid to  the left may look more like a typical food pyramid for you.  It is sometimes very difficult for students to find time to balance their diet as well as balance their school work and job. As a result, college students tend to eat whatever is easiest for them to access such as food that is microwavable or snacks.

According to the Kraft's Food Daily Servings Chart, active and non-active students, especially females have very different guidelines to the food pyramid. This chart is broken up into three different categories: women and some older adults, most men as well as teen girls and active women, and teen boys and active men.
The first category of women and some older adults requires about 1600 calories a day. It also consists of 6 servings from the grains group, 3 vegetable servings, 2 fruit servings, 2 or 3 dairy servings, and 2 meat servings.
The second category of most men, teen girls, and active women requires about 2200 calories a day. This consists of 9 servings of grains, 4 vegetable servings, 3 fruit servings, 2 or 3 dairy servings, and 2 meat servings.
The final category of teen boys and active men consists of 2800 calories a day. This consists of 11 servings of grains, 5 servings of vegetables, 4 servings of fruit, 2 or 3 dairy servings, and 3 meat servings.

Figuring out which category best suites you and trying to follow the servings guide is the best way to improve your diet and be the healthiest you can be.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Vegetarian College Life

Some students may think that living on campus and being a vegetarian may be difficult. However, Adelphi University offers just as many vegetarian options as meat options on its campus.

Vegetarians are just like everyone else except they do not eat meat. However, because of this, vegetarian students often find themselves not eating a variety of different foods. If you take a look around the different eateries on campus you will find so many different options for vegetarian breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. From beans, fresh fruit, and vegan meatballs, Adelphi University has enough to offer vegetarians a completely different vegetarian option for each meal a day, everyday of the week.

All of the food in our cafeteria is made to order. This means that students have the option to choose exactly what they want their meal to consist of. Students also should know that according to Lackman Services, all of their "meatless" items are cooked in a completely different area than their meat items.

Breakfast is the most important meal of that day. It is important to know that even vegetarian students have the opportunity to eat a well balanced meal for breakfast. A good option is to get a delicious Belgium waffle from Taro 13 every morning with a fruit topping of your choice. There are also several different types of muffins every morning as well as bagels and croissants. In our Grab and Go section, located in the back of the cafeteria, there are also several types of yogurts, cereals, and whole fresh fruit every morning for your enjoyment.
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The Wrap-It-Up station in the University Center is an excellent lunch option for vegetarian students because you can get all your favorite vegetables toasted in a delicious whole grain, tomato, spinach, or plain wrap. There is also several different options of pizza at Mulberry Street as well as cheese calzones and garlic knots and of course our new extended salad bar located in the middle of the cafeteria which is always an option.

As for dinner, you could choose from options at the University Center or even Post Hall. The Panther Grill located in Post Hall offers a large variety of food choices. From cheese quesdillas to mozzarella sticks, vegetarian students have the option of choosing almost any meal they would like here. Also located in Post Hall is Niko's Grill which offers many different Greek specialities including speciality salads.

There are many other options besides the options listed above. Adelphi offers a wide variety of foods to help satisfy every one. So no matter what you are craving at midnight, whether you're a meat eater or not, Adelphi always has something to offer you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Health Classes on Campus

     As November 12th quickly approaches, students are eagerly preparing themselves to make their schedules for the Spring 2011 semester. No matter what your major is, there is a health class offered that would benefit you in many ways. Even if you don't have time during your academic schedule to take a course, there are many other courses and seminars offered throughout the year that would help increase your health knowledge.

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     Adelphi University offers a Health Studies program to receive a degree in Physical Education as well as Health Education. This program offers classes such as Health and Nutrition, Issues of Community Health, Contemporary Health Issues, and many other classes to choose from. These classes, however are not limited to Health Studies majors. If you would like to see which health classes you are eligible for you can check out your Degreeworks and  C.L.A.S.S account or talk to your advisor.
      Besides courses during the day, there are also many events that occur in the afternoon or at night to help promote a healthy lifestyle on the campus. As advertised all over the campus and the community, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the beginning of the month, there was a breast cancer walk around the track in the Center for Recreation of Sports. The walk was for 20 minutes at a time with a donation of $5 going to the Breast Cancer Hotline. All the sports teams as well as many students and faculty participated in this event. This was just the beginning of the breast cancer events for the month. About a week ago, a female seminar was held in the Campbell lounges, located in the Center of Recreation of Sports, demonstrating to females how to give themselves a self breast examination.

     The most popular health classes on the Adelphi University campus are the free Group Fitness classes that are offered every week throughout the year. These classes include:

  • Kickboxing

  • Yoga

  • Total Body with Fitball

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  • Ab Attack

  • Boot Camp

  • Fitball

  • Zumba

  • Spin

  • You can check out the semester schedule for fall 2010 or check out the Group Fitness class photo album. Group fitness classes are a great way to stay in shape and meet new friends that also want to stay in shape.

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    Sweet Treats for a Healthy Halloween

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    Everyone has their favorite Halloween candies. Whether its candy corns, Kit Kat's, skittles, or anything. But are these candies really the best choices for you? In order to stay healthy 365 days a year, there are many other delicious choices you could choose that could eventually become your new favorite candies.

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    When it comes to healthy choices, it doesn't mean fruits and vegetables (though, you could eat them as candy like chocolate covered strawberries). Healthy choices consist of non-sugary treats such as nuts, chips, microwave popcorn, whole grain crackers, and many more snacks. There are also many candies that are low in sugar and low in fat.These candies include: peanut M&M's, three musketeers, York peppermint patties, Junior Mints, and several more.

    Another important thing to remember around Halloween time is to eat your Halloween candy in moderation. Most candy lasts between 1 and 6 months so it is okay to save your Halloween candy for Christmas time. Also, if you don't want to tempt yourself, try giving away your leftover Halloween candy after the holiday. Bring it to your friends in class, to your sports team, or even your next club meeting. This will help divide the candy up and will help you not be tempted it save it all for yourself. There are many other options to living a healthier Halloween as long as you urge yourself to stay healthier and still enjoy this spooky holiday.
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    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Workouts Without Leaving your Dorm Room!

    There are three main components to a beneficial workout. These components can even be achieved without leaving your dorm room. They are:
    •       aerobic exercise
    •       weight lifting
    •       stretching

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    Aerobic exercise has been shown to improve the strength of your heart, lungs, muscles, immune system, and help with weight loss and stress reduction. Aerobic exercise can be done almost anywhere you go and does not require any type of equipment. There are many ways you can do aerobic exercise in your dorm room. Some of these ways include:
    • Do a 60-seconds worth of jumping jacks.
    • Simulate jumping rope by squeezing your feet together and jumping up and down. If you want more of a workout move your arms as well in the motion of jumping rope.
    • Is your dorm room on the third or fourth floor? Take the stairs, but this time, take two stairs at the time if you need more of a workout.
    Aerobic exercise is not limited to these ideas. As long as you are in motion, you are doing aerobic exercise.

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      Weight training has a positive effect on the muscles of the body. Weight training will help improve your muscular endurance and will reduce your risk of several diseases such as osteoporosis and obesity. When weight training, it doesn't mean you need to use dumbbells to lift. Why not try using your chemistry text book? What about using two water bottles? These are everyday objects that can be used as gym equipment almost everywhere. Another exercise that will help strengthen your muscles without using any other objects is a great exercise to work your shoulders and chest while sitting on your chair. Place both hands on the side of your chair, slowly raise your bottom off the chair, hold for a few seconds. Then, lower slowly, stop shortly before reaching the chair and hold again for a few seconds. Doing this exercise 15 times will help increase your muscle strength and also create positive energy throughout your body.

    Stretching is a very important everyday essential to help keep your body in the best physical shape. It is important because it increases the range of motion of your joints and relives your stress. Stretching is also seen as a way to reduce your risk of athletic injuries. Some of these important stretches are displayed in the picture below. When it comes to stretching, it is also important that you keep breathing so you keep the oxygen flow going throughout your body and keep your muscles from not cramping up. These stretches can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

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    Friday, October 1, 2010

    The Notorious "Freshman 15"

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              For most college freshman, this is their first time living on their own. This means this could be the first time making their own decisions instead of their parents deciding for them. In most family households, parents tend to decide what is for dinner and what time it is. However, while living on your own, you are in charge of what you eat and when you eat it. The problem with this freedom is that school cafeterias generally do not always sell healthy choices for food and no one is there to tell you to choose healthy options.
          But the main question is why "freshman 15"? Well, there are several reasons why freshman are more likely to gain about fifteen pounds. Some of these reasons include (list provided by
                              -Lack of exercise
                              -Eating late at night
                              -Having unhealthy snacks in the dorm room
                              -Eating unhealthy cafeteria snacks
                              -Drinking alcohol
         A lot of college students find ways to avoid these extra pounds. Emily Matthaei, a freshman at Adelphi University describes the way she stays in shape. "The salad bar really helps here. You can make your own salad and control how much you eat. Also, we have a very nice gym facility that helps me out a lot. I do a lot of cardio and even the group fitness classes right on campus", Matthaei explains.
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        With options such as Cheeburger Cheeburger, Wrap-It-Up, Niko's Grill, and more, how do students have the option to make their meals healthier? Well for one thing, each of these stations gives you the opportunity to choose exactly what you want on your food. Some students however, may not have the desire to make their meals healthier. There are several easy changes you can make to your meal without hardly noticing the different. Some of these changes include:
              -Switching from a regular wrap to   a whole wheat  wrap (Only thing that seems different is the color!)
             - Avoid creamy dressings on your wraps and salads
              - At times,choose chicken over beef. It is generally   lower in fat.

    So, next time you are at the cafeteria and you don't know what to eat, remember to make the right choices and don't be afraid to try a new healthy alternative.

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    Sunday, September 26, 2010

    Staying Mentally Healthy During College

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    Students often focus mainly on their physical health meaning they tend to ignore their mental health. Through college, unusual stress on a student's mind can occur due to the pressure and responsibility that is created while living away from home. These mental illnesses could have serious effects such as suicide and self- injurious behavior. However, there are also several mild effects that are also important to seek help about.

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    According to the chart, more than 35% of students have felt overwhelmed more than nine times over the course of the past school year. Between midterms, volunteer work , part-time jobs, college can be a lot to handle. In most cases, the feeling of being overwhelmed usually begins with tiredness.  In order to break the overwhelment, it is important to plan out your own individual needs and try to accomplish them. Once your needs are fulfilled, your body creates a feeling of higher energy which causes happiness and lowers your overwhelment.

    Depression/sadness is another common mental issue that a lot of college students can relate to. Depression affects you by giving you the inability to function through your everyday life.  According to the World Health Organization, depression affects 121 million people but only 25% of those people have access to effective treatments. There are many signs and symptoms of depression which could be treated before it gets worse. Some of these symptoms include: social withdrawal, change in appetite, irritability, increased use of drugs or alcohol, and many other symptoms. If you see these symptoms occurring in a friend, room mate, or classmate, seek help. Do not delay seeking help because symptoms may get worse and serious actions such as suicide may occur.

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    There are many ways to stay mentally healthy. Some of the most important ways are staying physically and socially active.Being physically and socially active allows the mind to create positive messages and helps keep your mindset in the right direction.Also another important way is to set goals for yourself. Having these goals for yourself, helps you realize that in life, you have something to achieve. This gives you the drive to stay happy and have positive energy. After you reach your goals, it gives you a reason to celebrate and enjoy the accomplishment you made in your life. 

    Here at Adelphi University, we offer free, confidential counseling with a psychiatrist or social work intern that will help you along the way with your mental health issues. Even if you feel you do not have any problems, the Student Counseling Center (SCC) is always here to talk to you. They will help you with your problems from family or relationship issues to problems concentrating in class.  They also provide useful information, workshops, and group counseling for those who are nervous about talking alone. Students can schedule an appointment by visiting the SCC in the University Center Room 310. The SCC is open Monday-Friday during these hours of operation


    Tuesday, September 21, 2010

    What Not to Keep in the Mini Fridge

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    Here at Adelphi University, most of the students who live on the campus have at least one mini refrigerator in their dorm room. Mini refrigerators can hold anywhere from 6 to 48 twelve-ounce cans of soda. But should sodas really be in your refrigerator? Sure soda may be your favorite thing to drink, but is it really helping your body when your on-the-go for that 6pm science lab? What about those yodels you just grabbed while your on your way out the door, are those helping you?

    In college, it is necessary to have a lot of energy and focus throughout the day in order to do well in your classes. In order to keep the energy going, it is important to eat foods with complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Foods containing complex carbohydrates include bagels, whole grain cereals, peanut butter, and low-fat yogurt. Complex carbohydrates are slowly broken down which generates an even energy flow during the entire day. Simple carbohydrates such as soda, yodels, fruit juices, and many other thngs are broken down quickly in the body to create a short energy rush.

    When your making those midnight runs to the mini refrigerator or to Post Hall for food, remember the healthy choices that will keep your mind going as your studying for that Spanish test tomorrow. Avoid foods that will make you crash because of the amount of sugar content contained in them. Healthy foods doesn't always mean fruits and vegetables (even though these are the best ones) however, healthy snacks also include whole grain pretzels, light butter microwave popcorn, and even baked chips.

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    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    About This Blog

    This blog will be used to guide students at Adelphi University to a healthy lifestyle while living on campus. This ranges from improving healthy emotional to physical lifestyle. For students, especially students with a full class load, finding time to eat right and exercising daily can become a little tricky. Also, sometimes all the stress that begins can affect their bodies physically and emotionally. Freshman are very vulnerable to these changes because this lifestyle of living on their own away from home is very different for them. Through this blog, I hope to show students how to keep themselves and others focused on school work as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding or relieving stress.