Friday, October 1, 2010

The Notorious "Freshman 15"

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          For most college freshman, this is their first time living on their own. This means this could be the first time making their own decisions instead of their parents deciding for them. In most family households, parents tend to decide what is for dinner and what time it is. However, while living on your own, you are in charge of what you eat and when you eat it. The problem with this freedom is that school cafeterias generally do not always sell healthy choices for food and no one is there to tell you to choose healthy options.
      But the main question is why "freshman 15"? Well, there are several reasons why freshman are more likely to gain about fifteen pounds. Some of these reasons include (list provided by
                          -Lack of exercise
                          -Eating late at night
                          -Having unhealthy snacks in the dorm room
                          -Eating unhealthy cafeteria snacks
                          -Drinking alcohol
     A lot of college students find ways to avoid these extra pounds. Emily Matthaei, a freshman at Adelphi University describes the way she stays in shape. "The salad bar really helps here. You can make your own salad and control how much you eat. Also, we have a very nice gym facility that helps me out a lot. I do a lot of cardio and even the group fitness classes right on campus", Matthaei explains.
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    With options such as Cheeburger Cheeburger, Wrap-It-Up, Niko's Grill, and more, how do students have the option to make their meals healthier? Well for one thing, each of these stations gives you the opportunity to choose exactly what you want on your food. Some students however, may not have the desire to make their meals healthier. There are several easy changes you can make to your meal without hardly noticing the different. Some of these changes include:
          -Switching from a regular wrap to   a whole wheat  wrap (Only thing that seems different is the color!)
         - Avoid creamy dressings on your wraps and salads
          - At times,choose chicken over beef. It is generally   lower in fat.

So, next time you are at the cafeteria and you don't know what to eat, remember to make the right choices and don't be afraid to try a new healthy alternative.

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