Monday, October 18, 2010

Sweet Treats for a Healthy Halloween

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Everyone has their favorite Halloween candies. Whether its candy corns, Kit Kat's, skittles, or anything. But are these candies really the best choices for you? In order to stay healthy 365 days a year, there are many other delicious choices you could choose that could eventually become your new favorite candies.

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When it comes to healthy choices, it doesn't mean fruits and vegetables (though, you could eat them as candy like chocolate covered strawberries). Healthy choices consist of non-sugary treats such as nuts, chips, microwave popcorn, whole grain crackers, and many more snacks. There are also many candies that are low in sugar and low in fat.These candies include: peanut M&M's, three musketeers, York peppermint patties, Junior Mints, and several more.

Another important thing to remember around Halloween time is to eat your Halloween candy in moderation. Most candy lasts between 1 and 6 months so it is okay to save your Halloween candy for Christmas time. Also, if you don't want to tempt yourself, try giving away your leftover Halloween candy after the holiday. Bring it to your friends in class, to your sports team, or even your next club meeting. This will help divide the candy up and will help you not be tempted it save it all for yourself. There are many other options to living a healthier Halloween as long as you urge yourself to stay healthier and still enjoy this spooky holiday.
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