Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Health Classes on Campus

     As November 12th quickly approaches, students are eagerly preparing themselves to make their schedules for the Spring 2011 semester. No matter what your major is, there is a health class offered that would benefit you in many ways. Even if you don't have time during your academic schedule to take a course, there are many other courses and seminars offered throughout the year that would help increase your health knowledge.

Photo provided by Kellyskindergarden.com

     Adelphi University offers a Health Studies program to receive a degree in Physical Education as well as Health Education. This program offers classes such as Health and Nutrition, Issues of Community Health, Contemporary Health Issues, and many other classes to choose from. These classes, however are not limited to Health Studies majors. If you would like to see which health classes you are eligible for you can check out your Degreeworks and  C.L.A.S.S account or talk to your advisor.
      Besides courses during the day, there are also many events that occur in the afternoon or at night to help promote a healthy lifestyle on the campus. As advertised all over the campus and the community, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In the beginning of the month, there was a breast cancer walk around the track in the Center for Recreation of Sports. The walk was for 20 minutes at a time with a donation of $5 going to the Breast Cancer Hotline. All the sports teams as well as many students and faculty participated in this event. This was just the beginning of the breast cancer events for the month. About a week ago, a female seminar was held in the Campbell lounges, located in the Center of Recreation of Sports, demonstrating to females how to give themselves a self breast examination.

     The most popular health classes on the Adelphi University campus are the free Group Fitness classes that are offered every week throughout the year. These classes include:

  • Kickboxing

  • Yoga

  • Total Body with Fitball

  • Photo provided by Adelphi.edu

  • Ab Attack

  • Boot Camp

  • Fitball

  • Zumba

  • Spin

  • You can check out the semester schedule for fall 2010 or check out the Group Fitness class photo album. Group fitness classes are a great way to stay in shape and meet new friends that also want to stay in shape.

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    Sweet Treats for a Healthy Halloween

    Video provided by Youtube.com

    Everyone has their favorite Halloween candies. Whether its candy corns, Kit Kat's, skittles, or anything. But are these candies really the best choices for you? In order to stay healthy 365 days a year, there are many other delicious choices you could choose that could eventually become your new favorite candies.

    Photo provided by makeawhisk.com
    When it comes to healthy choices, it doesn't mean fruits and vegetables (though, you could eat them as candy like chocolate covered strawberries). Healthy choices consist of non-sugary treats such as nuts, chips, microwave popcorn, whole grain crackers, and many more snacks. There are also many candies that are low in sugar and low in fat.These candies include: peanut M&M's, three musketeers, York peppermint patties, Junior Mints, and several more.

    Another important thing to remember around Halloween time is to eat your Halloween candy in moderation. Most candy lasts between 1 and 6 months so it is okay to save your Halloween candy for Christmas time. Also, if you don't want to tempt yourself, try giving away your leftover Halloween candy after the holiday. Bring it to your friends in class, to your sports team, or even your next club meeting. This will help divide the candy up and will help you not be tempted it save it all for yourself. There are many other options to living a healthier Halloween as long as you urge yourself to stay healthier and still enjoy this spooky holiday.
    Photo provided by Photobucket.com

    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    Workouts Without Leaving your Dorm Room!

    There are three main components to a beneficial workout. These components can even be achieved without leaving your dorm room. They are:
    •       aerobic exercise
    •       weight lifting
    •       stretching

    Photo provided by fitness.resourcesforattorneys.com
    Aerobic exercise has been shown to improve the strength of your heart, lungs, muscles, immune system, and help with weight loss and stress reduction. Aerobic exercise can be done almost anywhere you go and does not require any type of equipment. There are many ways you can do aerobic exercise in your dorm room. Some of these ways include:
    • Do a 60-seconds worth of jumping jacks.
    • Simulate jumping rope by squeezing your feet together and jumping up and down. If you want more of a workout move your arms as well in the motion of jumping rope.
    • Is your dorm room on the third or fourth floor? Take the stairs, but this time, take two stairs at the time if you need more of a workout.
    Aerobic exercise is not limited to these ideas. As long as you are in motion, you are doing aerobic exercise.

    Photo provided by Sciencedaily.com
      Weight training has a positive effect on the muscles of the body. Weight training will help improve your muscular endurance and will reduce your risk of several diseases such as osteoporosis and obesity. When weight training, it doesn't mean you need to use dumbbells to lift. Why not try using your chemistry text book? What about using two water bottles? These are everyday objects that can be used as gym equipment almost everywhere. Another exercise that will help strengthen your muscles without using any other objects is a great exercise to work your shoulders and chest while sitting on your chair. Place both hands on the side of your chair, slowly raise your bottom off the chair, hold for a few seconds. Then, lower slowly, stop shortly before reaching the chair and hold again for a few seconds. Doing this exercise 15 times will help increase your muscle strength and also create positive energy throughout your body.

    Stretching is a very important everyday essential to help keep your body in the best physical shape. It is important because it increases the range of motion of your joints and relives your stress. Stretching is also seen as a way to reduce your risk of athletic injuries. Some of these important stretches are displayed in the picture below. When it comes to stretching, it is also important that you keep breathing so you keep the oxygen flow going throughout your body and keep your muscles from not cramping up. These stretches can be done almost anywhere at anytime.

    Photo provided by Eso-garden.com


    Friday, October 1, 2010

    The Notorious "Freshman 15"

    Photo provided by Blog.ecollegefinder.org

              For most college freshman, this is their first time living on their own. This means this could be the first time making their own decisions instead of their parents deciding for them. In most family households, parents tend to decide what is for dinner and what time it is. However, while living on your own, you are in charge of what you eat and when you eat it. The problem with this freedom is that school cafeterias generally do not always sell healthy choices for food and no one is there to tell you to choose healthy options.
          But the main question is why "freshman 15"? Well, there are several reasons why freshman are more likely to gain about fifteen pounds. Some of these reasons include (list provided by Freshman15.com):
                              -Lack of exercise
                              -Eating late at night
                              -Having unhealthy snacks in the dorm room
                              -Eating unhealthy cafeteria snacks
                              -Drinking alcohol
         A lot of college students find ways to avoid these extra pounds. Emily Matthaei, a freshman at Adelphi University describes the way she stays in shape. "The salad bar really helps here. You can make your own salad and control how much you eat. Also, we have a very nice gym facility that helps me out a lot. I do a lot of cardio and even the group fitness classes right on campus", Matthaei explains.
    Photo provided by Cheeburger.com
        With options such as Cheeburger Cheeburger, Wrap-It-Up, Niko's Grill, and more, how do students have the option to make their meals healthier? Well for one thing, each of these stations gives you the opportunity to choose exactly what you want on your food. Some students however, may not have the desire to make their meals healthier. There are several easy changes you can make to your meal without hardly noticing the different. Some of these changes include:
              -Switching from a regular wrap to   a whole wheat  wrap (Only thing that seems different is the color!)
             - Avoid creamy dressings on your wraps and salads
              - At times,choose chicken over beef. It is generally   lower in fat.

    So, next time you are at the cafeteria and you don't know what to eat, remember to make the right choices and don't be afraid to try a new healthy alternative.

    Video provided by Youtube.com